
Clint Hackenburg
Lecturer in Philosophy
Amy Hafer
Graduate Assistant for Sports Information
Pamela Hall
Krammes Service Center
(419) 448-2391
Amy Hammitt
Administrative Assistant for the Owen Center and American Junior Year Program
Campus Center 315
(419) 448-2301
Mitch Haren
Part Time Driver
Heidelberg University
Morgan Harrigan
Executive Director of the Owen Center for Teaching and Learning
Campus Center 315
(419) 448-2159
Morgan H
Jacquelyn Hausman
Bi-Weekly PT no benefits
Robin Heaton
Associate Professor of Communication
Founders Hall 114
(419) 448-2477
Robin Heaton
Donna Hefner
Business Office Assistant
University Hall C102
(419) 448-2001
Donna H
Ashley Helmstetter
Associate Vice President for Advancement, Alumni, and Community Relations
University Hall 207
(419) 448-2231
Ashley Poppe-Helmstetter
Dawn Henry
Director of the School of Education | Assistant Professor of Special Education
Lavely-Shedenhelm Education Center 115
(419) 448-2128
Dawn Henry
Kaylee Hensley
Graduate Assistant for Women's Soccer
Theresa Hernandez
Krammes Service Center
(419) 448-2391
Jodi Herr
Adjunct Instructor of Business
Adams Hall
Jodi Herr
Sydney Hieronymus
Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Engagement
University Hall
Sydney Hieronymus
Dan Higgins
Instructor of Communications
Founders Hall 111B
(419) 448-2323
Dan Higgins
Kaylee Hiser
Graduate Assistant for Women's Volleyball
Seiberling Gymnasium
Sue Hlavinka
Adjunct Instructor in Music and Theatre
Founders 209
John Hoffman
Grounds Supervisor
Krammes Service Center 115
(419) 448-2391
David Hogan
Professor of History
Pfleiderer Hall 116
(419) 448-2218
Dave Hogan
Jiachun Hong
Assistant Professor of Media
 Jiachun Hong
Will Horner
Adjunct Instructor of Low Brass
Heidelberg University
Colin Hughes
Graduate Assistant for Football
Heidelberg University
Rob Huntington
University Hall C122
(419) 448-2202
Rob H