
Jon Darkow
Adjunct Instructor in Education
Heidelberg University
Ashley Dawson
Adjunct Instructor in Music
Heidelberg University
Emma Dean
GAP Intern
Heidelberg University
Zachary Dehm
Adjunct Instructor in Religion and Philosophy
Courtney DeMayo Pugno
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
Campus Center 316
(419) 448-2510
Courtney DeMayo Pugno
Kelly Depinet
Data Entry Clerk
University Hall
(419) 448-2623
Tyson Depinet
Adjunct Instructor in Health Science
Saurwein Health & Wellness Center 215
(419) 448-2519
Linda Detwiler
Adjunct Instructor in Communication
Founders Hall
(419) 448-2071
Barry Devine
Assistant Professor of English
Pfleiderer Hall 303
(419) 448-2047
Judy Dezse
Model and Data Analyst
Gillmor Science Hall
(419) 448-2204
Judy Smith
Brooke Dobrzanski
Graduate Assistant in Swimming
Seiberling Gymnasium
Scott Donaldson
Head Football Coach
Seiberling Gymnasium 117
(419) 448-2178
Dana Dudley
Security Officer
Campus Center
Robin Dufresne
Assistant Professor of Graduate Counseling
Bareis Hall 218
Robin DuFresne
Carol Dusdieker
Associate Professor of Voice
Brenneman Music Hall 132
(419) 448-2080
Carol D