
Eileen Carr
Adjunct Instructor in Education
Cynthia Carson
Adjunct Instructor in Education
Heidelberg University
Lynne Cartwright
Adjunct Instructor of Education | Director of Field Placements
Lavely-Shedenhelm Education Center 117
(419) 448-2089
Keonte Cash
Part-Time Assistant Coach
Heidelberg University
Michele Castleman
Associate Professor of Education
Lavely-Shedenhelm Education Center 119
(419) 448-2129
Michele C
Meghan Chaffins
Part-Time Assistant Coach
Heidelberg University
Michael Chapman
Assistant Professor of Accounting
Adams Hall
Michael Chapman
Erin Chapman-Hoskins
Director Academic Advising
Campus Center 313
(419) 448-2479
Erin Chapman
Amber Cieplinski
Graduate Assistant for Women's Softball
Seiberling Gymnasium
Renee Clair
Adjunct Instructor in Music
205 Brenneman
Emily Clark
National Center for Water Quality Lab Technician
Gillmor Science Hall
(419) 448-2198
Emily Clark
Greg Cooper
Athletic Director
Seiberling Gymnasium 127
(419) 448-2009
Greg Cooper
William Cooper
Head Track Coach
Brown Hall
(419) 448-2179
Colleen Cosgrove
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Heidelberg University
Gregory Covert
Krammes Service Center
(419) 448-2390
Michael Crawford
Adjunct Instructor in Finance
Adams Hall
Benjamin Czarnota
Adjunct Instructor in Music and Theatre
Brenneman Music Hall 207
(419) 448-2073