Student Engagement
Student Engagement
In the past 160 years, the Heidelberg campus has seen the founding of ten fraternities and societies, with over 20% of campus involved in Greek life.

The Greek community has been the gateway for leadership opportunities, scholastic support and long-standing fraternal relationships for students at Heidelberg. Greek members can be found all over campus in every student organization, athletic team and honorary society.

Those involved in Greek life have an overall higher cumulative GPA and continually provide thousands of hours and dollars towards civic opportunities. All fraternities and societies are local-affiliated groups, which have many benefits including lower dues, closer bonds and solid alumni network bases. 

Greek Life Constitution

Greek Events

Greek Sing - An annual event that gives all of the groups a chance to show off their talent as well as their sense of humor while performing a routine using popular music in a show choir- type routine.

Greek Week - A competition during the spring semester where societies come together to compete in a series of events such as obstacle courses, volleyball, Jell-o slide, and the infamous dizzy bat.


Recruitment of new members occurs during the fall and spring semesters. Each organization strives to promote its unique qualities and characteristics through events, service projects and academic endeavors. All Heidelberg students have the opportunity to participate in Greek-sponsored events and programs. Greek Open Houses, Rotationals, and individual recruitment events will give you the chance to tour the Greek Halls, learn more about the fraternities and societies, and see what each group has to offer.

Throughout this process you have the opportunity to discover, explore and determine where and how you fit into Greek life. Your decision to go Greek will impact the rest of your years at Heidelberg and after you graduate.   Our alumni network is vast and has been instrumental in helping our Greek members find internships and careers.  

Greek Vocabulary

  • Active: An initiated member of a Greek organization
  • Alumni: An organization member who has graduated
  • Bid Card: An official, written invitation to join an organization
  • Initiation: A formal ceremony in which a person becomes an active member of the group
  • New Member: A person who has accepted the written bid of a fraternity/society and has gone through the ceremony, but has yet to be initiated
  • New Member Class: All New Members of a fraternity/society for that year
  • Rotationals: A rush function where groups rotate through each fraternity/ society hall
  • Teas: An opportunity for each recruit to closely interact with the society/-ies of her choice
  • Preference Parties: Final stage of Recruitment before bids; last chance to interact with the societies before making your decision
  • New Member Education: The process of teaching the society’s traditions and values to their new members.

Contact Information

Kiki Lorann
Administrative Assistant

Campus Center
Tiffin, OH 44883

(419) 448-2022

Mon-Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Our Team

Ben Pugno
Director of Student Engagement
Campus Center
(419) 448-2215
ben pugno