Student Engagement
Student Engagement

New Member Education

New Member Education (NME) is the process in which you are educated about the society that you may wish to join. To be eligible for NME, a student must be in good standing with Heidelberg University and have full-time class status to participate.

Some societies have higher GPA requirements to join.  Please visit those specific groups to see eligibility requirements.

New Member Education program takes place in both fall and spring and it usually runs up to two weeks long. The programs will begin in late October or early November (Fall) and/or late January or early February (Spring).

All students in good standing may participate in NME.  NME is a time for you to really get to know everything about the Greek group you wish to be a part of.  It also allows you to learn about brotherhood/sisterhood, leadership, service and networking.

Hazing Policy

Heidelberg University prohibits any act of hazing done by or to any Heidelberg student. At Heidelberg University "hazing" is defined as follows:

  • Any physical or mental request, requirement, action or obligation (whether on or off campus) created or placed upon any person which could or does cause undue discomfort, pain, injury, embarrassment, harassment, or ridiculous OR which violated any Federal, State, local statute or Heidelberg University policy including those established by the Heidelberg University Inter-Fraternity Council and the Heidelberg University Inter-Society Council."

Heidelberg University defines the following as physical hazing:

  • Shoving, hitting or pretending to hit any person, including paddling in any form.
  • Performing acts which are or could be dangerous (particularly activities unsupervised by active members).
  • Requiring or requesting the consumption of undue amounts of odd preparations or spoiled or live food including any amount of alcohol or drugs of any kind, or any food that is given that is not normally eaten that would or could cause harm.
  • Unhealthy conditions. During New Member Education each New Member must have the opportunity to maintain a normal schedule, here defined as including three (3) reasonably spaced meals per day, the encouragement and opportunity for six to eight (6-8) hours of consecutive, uninterrupted sleep per twenty-four (24) hour period, and a reasonable time for daily personal hygiene.
  • Excessive or abusive calisthenics.
  • Yelling or shouting above a normal conversational tone by actives at a New Member (or vice versa)
  • "Line-ups" of New Members not in compliance with the guidelines on noise levels.

Heidelberg University defines the following as psychological hazing:

  • Requiring the actual or pretended violation of the law.
  • Violating accepted social customs in regard to sex.
  • Requiring that a person do or submit any act that will alter his/her appearance in any significant degrees for a period longer than the pledging period.
  • Telling a pledge that they will not be initiated based on their performance with the intent of causing the pledge unfounded stress.

Contact Information

Kiki Lorann
Administrative Assistant

Campus Center
Tiffin, OH 44883

(419) 448-2022

Mon-Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Our Team

Ben Pugno
Director of Student Engagement
Campus Center
(419) 448-2215
ben pugno