
Robin Heaton
Chair of Communication and Media | Associate Professor of Communication
Founders Hall 114
(419) 448-2477
Robin Heaton
Donna Hefner
Business Office Assistant
University Hall C102
(419) 448-2001
Donna H
Ashley Helmstetter
Vice President of Advancement, Alumni, and Community Relations
University Hall 207
(419) 448-2231
Ashley Poppe-Helmstetter
Dawn Henry
Director of the School of Education | Assistant Professor of Special Education
Lavely-Shedenhelm Education Center 115
(419) 448-2128
Dawn Henry
Theresa Hernandez
Krammes Service Center
(419) 448-2391
Ben Herrick
Assistant Professor of Instrumental Music Education/Director of Bands
Brenneman Music Hall
ben herrick
Sydney Hieronymus
Director of the Heidelberg Fund
University Hall
(419) 448-2059
Sydney Hieronymus
Dan Higgins
Instructor of Communications
Founders Hall 111B
(419) 448-2323
Dan Higgins
Kaylee Hiser
Graduate Assistant for Women's Volleyball
Seiberling Gymnasium
(419) 357-5705
Sue Hlavinka
Adjunct Instructor in Music and Theatre
Founders Hall 209
(419) 448-2520
John Hoffman
Grounds Supervisor
Krammes Service Center 115
(419) 448-2391
Dave Hogan
Professor of History
Pfleiderer Hall 116
(419) 448-2218
Dave Hogan
Colin Hughes
Graduate Assistant for Football
Heidelberg University
Robert Huntington
University Hall C122
(419) 448-2202
Rob H
Emily Isaacson
Director of the General Education Program|Director of Honors Program|Associate Professor English
Pfleiderer Hall 306
(419) 448-2184
Emily I
Branden Jakubcin
Associate Coach
Seiberling Gymnasium 124
(419) 448-2947
Branden Jakubcin
Deandra Jones
Field and Laboratory Technician
Gillmor Science Hall
John Jones
Graduate Assistant for Men's Track
Seiberling Gymnasium
(419) 448-2958
Sean Joyce
Chair of Computer Science & Mathematics| Associate Prof of Computer Science
Bareis Hall 334
(419) 448-2016
Sean Joyce
Tamara Kagy
Adjunct Instructor in Music
Heidelberg University
Tamara Kagy
Lisa Kahle-Piasecki
Associate Professor of Business
Adams Hall 301C
(419) 448-2269
Lisa Kahle-Piasecki
Doug Kane
Assistant Professor of Ecology
Bareis Hall 131
(419) 448-2224
Doug Kane
Karla Kash
Director & Associate Professor of Theatre
Founders Hall 301
Karla Kash
Jordan Kaufman
Director of Academic Assessment & Effectiveness
Bareis Hall 326
(419) 448-2601
Jordan Kaufman
Zachary Keith
HVAC Technician
Krammes Service Center
Zachary Keith
Wendy Kelbley
Administrative Assistant
Bareis Hall 135
(419) 448-2197
Matthew Kennedy
Assistant Professor of Composition/Theory
Brenneman Music Hall
Matthew Kennedy
Liz Kheng-Chindavong
Adjunct Instructor of Business
Adams Hall
Salil Khetani
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Adams Hall 301B
(419) 448-2862
Salil Khetani
DoHee Kim-Appel
Professor of Graduate Counseling
Bareis Hall 216
(419) 448-2366
Martin Kley
Resident Director of American Junior Year Program
Heidelberg University
Anthony Kniss
IT Generalist
Bareis Hall
Anthony Kniss
Morgan Kocher
Chair of Exercise Science | Assistant Professor of Exercise Science
Saurwein Health & Wellness Center
(419) 448-2409
morgan k
Alyssa Kontak
Director of Student Accessibility Services
Campus Center 314
(419) 448-2484
Alyssa Kontak
Beth Koop
Associate Registrar
Campus Center
(419) 448-2266
Beth Koop
Scott Kretzer
Instructor of Music
Brenneman Music Hall 112
(419) 448-2073
Scott K
Sarah Lazzari
Assistant Professor of Criminology and Sociology
Aigler Alumni Building 100G
(419) 448-2897
Sarah Lazzari
Jason Lewis
Associate Coach
Seiberling Gymnasium 116
(419) 448-2948
Jason Lewis
Jemar Lewis
Assistant Football Coach
Seiberling Gymnasium 123
(419) 448-2189
Jemar Lewis
Dennis LoConti
Director of Residence Life
Campus Center 324
(419) 448-2214
Kiki Lorann
Administrative Assistant to the Student Affairs Office, Head Women's Golf Coach
Campus Center 328
(419) 448-2022
Meridith Lucius
Center for Survivor Empowerment, Project Director
Campus Center 309
Hailey Magers
Krammes Service Center
(419) 448-2391
Hailey Magers
Nathan Manning
Research Scientist
Gillmor Science Hall
(419) 448-2443
Nathan Manning
Noel Mano
Assistant Professor of Biology
Bareis Hall 133
Noel Mano
Gabriel Marks
Graduate Assistant for Football
Seiberling Gymnasium
William Marshall
Director of Infrastructure and Security
Bareis Hall 306
(419) 448-2354
Will Marshall
Desirae Matherly
Chair of English and World Languages| Associate Professor of English
Heidelberg University
(419) 448-2021
Desirae Matherly
Meagan McBride
Director of the Master of Arts in Counseling Program| Assistant Professor of Graduate Counseling
Bareis Hall 217
(419) 448-2889
Megan McBride
Ryan McDannell
Head Esports Coach
GEM Center
(218) 382-7926
Ryan Mcdannell