
Kim McGill
Vice President for Finance and Administration
University Hall
(419) 448-2517
Kim McGill
Jake McGraw
Director of Campus Safety and Compliance
Campus Center
(419) 448-2048
Jake McGraw
Lauren McGraw
Instructor of Health Sciences
Saurwein Health & Wellness Center 214
(419) 448-2290
Madalynn McLaughlin
Head Women's Soccer Coach
Seiberling Gymnasium
(419) 448-2019
Maddie McLaughlin
Maria Medina
Krammes Service Center
Carolyn Meysen
Program Asst - AJY PT
Heidelberg, Germany
Mary Milazzo
University Hall C115
(419) 448-2257
Mary M
Jason Miller
Head Volleyball Coach
Seiberling Gymnasium 115
(419) 448-2377
Jason Miller
Nancy Miller
Coordinator Private Well Testing
Gillmor Science Hall 326
(419) 448-2198
Nancy Miller
Shelby Miller
Assistant Softball Coach
Seiberling Gymnasium
Allyson Milligan
Assistant Volleyball Coach
Heidelberg University
Matthew Morgan
Assistant Football Coach
Seiberling Gymnasium
Tanesha Morgan
Adjunct Instructor in Finance
Heidelberg University
Eric Morrison
Krammes Service Center
(419) 448-2391
Rod Morrison
Associate Vice President for Facilities and Engineering
Krammes Service Center
(419) 448-2391
Erica Moyer
Instructor of Biology
Bareis Hall 134
(419) 448-2427
Erica Moyer
Ryan Musgrave
Director of Athletic Training and Health Science | Assistant Professor of Athletic Training
Saurwein Health & Wellness Center 213
(419) 448-2577
Austin Nainiger
Research Technician
Bareis Hall
Courtney Neering
Head Cheer & STUNT Coach
Seiberling Gymnasium
Courtney Neering
Aaron Nelson
Director of Student Affairs
Campus Center
(419) 448-2402
Aaron Nelson
Megan Newell
CNIT Helpdesk Support Technician
Bareis Hall 309
(419) 448-2088
Megan Newell
Sandy Nye
Krammes Service Center
(419) 448-2391
Melissa Nye-Prenzlin
Assistant Director of Advancement Services
University Hall
(419) 448-2030
Julie O'Reilly
Chair of Communication & Media| Professor of Communication and Women's Gender Studies
Founders Hall 109
(419) 448-2094
Julie O'Reilly
Marc O'Reilly
Chair of History, Political Science, Philosophy & Religion | Professor of Political Science
Pfleiderer Hall 204
(419) 448-2208
Marc O'Reilly
Pat Page
Administrative Assistant for the School of Music & Theatre
Brenneman Music Hall 133
(419) 448-2073
Pat Page
Tony Patrizi
Head Wrestling Coach
Seiberling Gymnasium 128
(419) 448-2378
Tony P
Cindy Paul
Coordinator of Athletic Operations
Seiberling Gymnasium 113
(419) 448-2019
Kyle Paxson
Yearbook Advisor
Heidelberg University
Ethan Pensante
Graduate Assistant for Men's Track
Seiberling Gymnasium
(419) 448-2588
Cy Peverill
Adjunct Instructor of Business
Heidelberg University
Stacey Pistorova
Assistant Professor of Elementary Education and Accreditation Coordinator
Lavely-Shedenhelm Education Center 122
Stacey Pistorova
Stacey Pistorova
Swinehart Family Endowed Chair in Education | Associate Professor of Education | CAEP Accrediation Coordinator
Lavely-Shedenhelm Education Center 122
(419) 448-2328
Sieglinde Poelzler-Kamatali
Assistant Professor of German and Spanish
Founders Hall 210
(419) 448-2071
Sieglinde Poelzler-Kamatali
Justin Pruneski
Associate Professor of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Bareis Hall 132
(419) 448-2043
Justin P
Ben Pugno
Director of Student Engagement
Campus Center
(419) 448-2215
ben pugno
Juliette Quinlan
Adjunct Instructor in Theatre
Heidelberg University
Cynthia Ramsdell
Adjunct Instructor in Music and Theatre
Brenneman Music Hall
(419) 448-2073
Gregory Ramsdell
Director of the School of Music and Theatre| Professor of Choral Music Education
Brenneman Music Hall 132
(419) 448-2154
greg ramsdell
CarrieAnn Randolph
Head Wrestling Coach
Seiberling Gymnasium
Benjamin Rath
Head Swim Coach
Brown Hall
(419) 448-2002
Damontae Richmond
Part-Time Assistant Coach
Heidelberg University
Barbara Roberts
Krammes Service Center 115
(419) 448-2391
Randy Roberts
Heidelberg University
Gavin Robison
Enrollment Counselor
University Hall
Gavin Robison
Tobey Robison
Chief Information Officer
Bareis Hall 330
(419) 448-2367
Tobey R
Peggy Ronski
Administrative Assistant
Bareis Hall 337
(419) 448-2297
Peggy Ronski
Sara Rowlinson
Senior Director of Admission
University Hall
(419) 448-2343
Sara Rowlinson
Richard Russell
HVAC Technician
Krammes Service Center
(419) 448-2163
Ashley Ryan
Office Support and Work Order Clerk
Krammes Service Center 108
(419) 448-2390
Ashley Ryan