Student Engagement
Student Engagement

Heidelberg Leadership Experience

In the Heidelberg Leadership Experience (HLE), students learn about the principles and practices of effective leadership through the study of leadership topics and models, the acquisition of hands-on leadership experience, and the process of intentional personal reflection. The leadership training, education and development of these students supports their performance in current leadership positions, benefits the organizations and programs with which they work, and prepares them for future leadership endeavors. 

HLE members improve their understanding of important leadership concepts, develop valuable leadership skills, and gain direct leadership experience by participating in workshops, discussions, retreats, service projects, presentations and conferences.

  1. It looks great on a resume. Employers always want to see leadership on your list of accomplishments and skills.
  2. Your friends are doing it. Over 40 students have already signed up for HLE.
  3. Your friends are leading it. There are 25 HLE Mentors who are current HU students that help guide you through your leadership journey.
  4. You can be a more effective leader. No matter where you are on your leadership journey, you can always do more and be better.
  5. You better understand what your personal strengths are and how to utilize them. Leadership comes in many forms. Learn what works for you.
  6. You'll meet new people and get to know your friends better. HLE is a social, interactive learning opportunity where ideas are shared. No formal lectures here.
  7. It doesn't cost anything. The Office of Student Engagement pays for it all. Isn't that nice?
  8. It's convenient. Meetings are held in the Aramark Room over lunch and dinner times, so you can eat and learn.
  9. Why not? I mean, really ... look at the above points and ask yourself why not? Then, apply!
  10. It's fun. Lots of fun. Just watch the clip from last year's HLE.
  • Build strong foundation of leadership skills to help you through college and beyond.
  • Expand your personal boundaries and better understand your foundations.
  • Form strong bonds with your fellow students in the HLE.
  • Network with Heidelberg community clubs and organizations.
  • Mentor other developing leaders.
  • Help coordinate future HLE activities and events.
  • Build relationships with key administrators and staff across the campus community.
  • Earn a HLE Certificate and pin in recognition of your leadership accomplishments within the Heidelberg community.
  • Commitment to and potential for leadership. Believe that you could do more, be better, achieve greater … and then do something about it!
  • Ability to contribute to group learning. This means you are willing to share your own ideas and listen to others’.
  • Dedication to attend and participate in all HLE events and activities. Make sure you check your scheduled classes, practices and meetings for potential conflicts.
  • Be a current Heidelberg student. That’s it. No GPA requirement. No class requirement.
  • Cost for participation: The Office of Student Engagement will pay for all program costs.
  • Judgment: HLE is designed to meet you where you are at on your leadership journey while challenging you to become a more empowered and effective leader.
  • Huge time commitment: HLE events only last an hour and take place at 6 p.m. on Mondays and 11 a.m. on Tuesdays. You need to attend at least six events throughout the semester.

HLE At a Glance

The HLE takes place during the spring semester, and students meet monthly to focus on different leadership skills. The training modules are comprised of guest alumni presentations, interactive workshops, team challenges and leadership theory discussions. Toward the end of the Experience, all participants will attend a retreat, which includes camping and whitewater rafting! Each student is charged with creating a reflective journal of their HLE journey – blog, website, scrapbook, photobook … the possibilities are endless! Members who successfully complete HLE will receive a certificate at an end-of-the-year recognition ceremony.

Companies, industries, non-profit agencies and educational institutions have recently made it clear that leadership, communication and other personal skills are among the most important qualities they look for in new employees. Distinguish yourself as a leader by participating in the Heidelberg Leadership Experience!

To participate in the HLE, students must be currently enrolled at least part-time in courses at Heidelberg University and complete a registration form. Students from all disciplines are invited to apply. There is no minimum GPA.

To complete HLE, students should:

  • Attend at least six of the scheduled HLE events.
  • Maintain a reflective journal for the semester.
  • Develop a personal leadership plan guided by their StrengthsQuest results.

Still have questions?

HLE logoContact Jacqueline Sironen, director of Student Engagement

phone: 419-448-2261
stop by: Campus Center 306


Contact Information

Kiki Lorann
Administrative Assistant

Campus Center
Tiffin, OH 44883

(419) 448-2022

Mon-Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Our Team

Ben Pugno
Director of Student Engagement
Campus Center
(419) 448-2215
ben pugno