Student Engagement
Student Engagement

What is SOLiD?

SOLiD stands for Student Organization Leadership and Development. The Office of Student Engagement and Student Senate facilitates training sessions for student organization leadership that occurs in the fall semester before the academic year begins. This training provides tips and tools on how to lead your organization successfully throughout the academic year. This training is mandatory for Student Senate recognized organizations.

The SOLiD agenda updates student organizations on process and procedure changes in the Office of Student Engagement that impacts student organization business, identifies resources that organizations need to know to be successful, and highlights important policies and procedures.

Just like last year, SOLiD will have two different components: an online Canvas course with assignments and an in-person conference event.

In order for your organization to remain in good standing and be eligible for Senate funding, you must have at least two executive board members complete the online Canvas course and one executive board member must attend and complete the in-person conference.

The SOLiD Schedule

Thursday, August 15

  • 2:00PM - 3:00PM: Check-In and Move-In @ Campus Center
  • 4:30PM - 6:00PM: SOLiD Conference @ Bareis Hall
  • 6:00PM: Dinner

Friday, August 16

  • 9:00AM - 11:00AM: Movers @ Residence Halls
  • 7:00PM - 8:30PM: Student Organization Showcase
  • 8:30PM - 9:30PM: Student Involvement Fair

The SOLiD Canvas course will open on Thursday, August 1 at 9:00am and must be completed by Friday, August 30.

Frequently Asked Questions about SOLiD

"What is the cost?"
There is no cost for participation. The event is sponsored by Office of Student Engagement and Student Senate!

"Who can participate?"
SOLiD is designed specifically for organization leaders, including Greek groups, registered student organizations, honorary groups, and any other student leader on campus!

"What will the program look like?"
The online SOLiD course will cover a wide variety of topics, including finance (budgeting and spending), recruitment, Standards (for Greek groups), and more! The in-person SOLiD conference will primarily deal with event management, so participants should come with an event in mind so they can learn to book a room, make a flyer, etc.

"How do I sign up?"
All organization presidents will receive an email by May 10, inviting their organizations to participate. Follow the directions in the email to register.

"How can I promote my group to new students?"
There are two great opportunities to let new students know about your group: the Org Showcase and the Involvement Fair.

The Org Showcase is a 30-second, live "commercial" of your group performed for all new students. This is a fun, interactive way for students to learn about the many awesome groups, clubs, organizations, and causes here at the 'Berg!

The Involvement Fair is an easy way to explore many of the exciting things to do and get involved with on campus. Members of more than 70 HU student organizations, groups, clubs, and causes will gather immediately after the Showcase so new students can come sign up for the organizations they just learned about! The Involvement Fair is an easy way to explore many of the exciting things to do and get involved with on campus. Members of more than 70 HU student organizations, groups, clubs, and causes will gather immediately after the Showcase so new students can come sign up for the organizations they just learned about! 

"How do I participate in the Org Showcase and Involvement Fair?"
When you complete the SOLiD Registration form, you will be able to also register your org for the Showcase and Fair! If you missed the form, you can sign your organization up by emailing no later than August 1.

Contact Information

Kiki Lorann
Administrative Assistant

Campus Center
Tiffin, OH 44883

(419) 448-2022

Mon-Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Our Team

Ben Pugno
Director of Student Engagement
Campus Center
(419) 448-2215
ben pugno