Students, faculty and staff, and alumni can apply to run the Heidelberg social media accounts.

Document Library
The Student Alumni Association, or SAA, is an organization dedicated to creating networking and professional development opportunities with Heidelberg alumni, through our campus-wide programming and traditional events.
SAA is a philanthropic and service organization dedicated to encouraging current students to understand the importance of giving back to the university.
University Student Fees and Charges, includes fees for Housing and Board
To submit an announcement, please fill out the form.
Are you experiencing difficulty with campus technology? Do you have a question related to campus computing, network, telephone or video resources? Have you consulted the How-To's and FAQs page but still can't resolve your issue? We're here to help as quickly as possible.
Contact CNIT via the Technology Helpdesk
Heidelberg’s student newspaper, The Kilikilik, better known as “The Kil,” has been informing the campus community since 1894. Some Kil staffers report on campus news, athletic events, national and international issues, popular culture, and more, while others gain experience taking photos, doing layout, and promoting the publication via social media. The Kil is published in a news magazine format as well as an online version several times a semester.
The Rock Creek Review is an undergraduate academic journal edited, produced and published by students at Heidelberg University in partnership with the English Department. This journal will solicit literary research from schools around the world for an annual publication every Spring.